Marine Renewable Energy
In response to widespread concern over the threat of global climate change and the political impacts of reliance on fossil fuels, the UK government issued the “Renewables Obligation” in the Energy White Paper of February 2003. All electricity suppliers are obliged to generate a percentage of their electricity, which will increase to 10% by 2010, from renewable sources. The Renewables Obligation has recently been increased to 15% by 2015. The government acknowledges that the UK has already become a net energy importer and renewable energy is seen as an important factor in closing the energy gap.

The government targets are ambitious, but if just 0.1% of the global ocean energy resource (tidal, wind, wave and OTEC) were harnessed, it would provide sufficient power for the whole world five times over (Marine Foresight Panel, 1997). The UK possesses the richest wave and tidal stream resource in Europe.

Wave energy site identification
Tidal stream energy site
With its broad range of capabilities in marine science and engineering, including physical oceanography, hydrodynamics and materials, Focus Offshore Ltd is uniquely positioned to support the marine renewable energy sector by:
  • Project definition, specification, management and reporting
  • Design of scaling and experimental procedures for model testing
  • Specification, conduct and management of model and full-scale tests
  • Hydrodynamic design, analysis and performance optimisation
  • Resource studies, site identification and site survey
  • Information gathering and technology review studies
  • Sourcing of engineering services and equipment
  • Economic and market research studies
  • Preparation of PR strategies and press releases
  • Support for public meetings and issues concerning community relations
  • Facilitation of international contacts for research and development in hydrodynamics
  • Provision of education and development training
Electronic Equipment
Hydrodynamic model testing
Recent Projects

Lead contractor for MTMC on Isle of Wight Marine Renewable Energy Study:
Feasibility study into the establishment of the Solent Ocean Energy Centre - An evaluation and research centre for marine energy technologies on the Isle of Wight.

Contract with the Renewable Energy Association:
Sector advisor - Marine Renewables; Provision of technical, economic, Market & Policy advice to the Association and its members in respect of the Marine Renewables sector.

Contract with MarineTech South Ltd:
Theme leader for marine renewable energy research projects.

Project for Envirolink Northwest:
“Mapping the Marine Current Turbine Supply Chain in Northwest England”.
This study identified companies within the engineering and offshore sectors of Northwest England for the supply of parts and services required for the deployment of tidal current turbines, with comment on their capabilities.

Sub-contractor to MTMC contributing to report for NaREC
“Commercial Opportunities for the NaREC Marine Test Facility at Blyth”.

Representative for Hamble-le-Rice
at the Public Examination of the Proposed Alterations to Regional Planning Guidance, South East on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.
[Download Report]

Article for Sea Technology Journal
Vol 46 No.4 April 2005
"Marine Renewable energy: A solution to Climate Change"
[Download Article]

Conference Presentations:

Conference Presentation
Seawork International, Southampton 2007 Overview of tidal technologies for marine energy extraction
Arc Manche Assembly, Rouen 2007 Potential for Marine Energy Extraction from the Channel
Climate Change and the Marine Environment, London 2006 The Potential for Low Carbon Energy from the Sea
Renewable Energy and the River Severn, Gloucester 2006 Tidal Technologies
Coastal Futures Marine Bill, London 2006 Marine Spatial Planning - Opportunities or Threat to Marine Renewables ?